重慶升降機需要哪些保護措施? 針對重慶升降機下沉問題的改進方案,重慶美達斯機械已作出分析,詳細請看以下介紹。Chongqing lift need what protection? For the improvement scheme of Chongqing elevator sinking problem, Chongqing meidasi ...
要想延長重慶升降平臺的使用壽命,就需要做到以下幾點。To extend the service life of Chongqing lift platform, you need to do the following.
重慶升降貨梯是一種起重升降機械設備,升降貨梯升降系統,靠液壓泵站驅動,故也被稱作液壓升降貨梯。Chongqing lift goods ladder is a lifting machinery equipment, lift cargo lift system, by the hydraulic pump station, it is also called the...
1.檢查重慶升降貨梯所有的液壓管道和接頭。管道不能有破損,接頭不能有松動,必需將所有接頭擰緊。Check all hydraulic pipes and fittings of Chongqing elevator. The pipe can not be damaged, the joint can not be loose, it is necessary to tig...
據資料統計和市場特點的調查表明,由于實現了大規模工業化批量生產,20m以下的建筑物采用重慶升降機的總費用最低。由于重慶升降機的這些特點,它特別適用于以下場合。According to data statistics and market characteristics of the survey showed t...